The untold story of Stalin’s
propaganda war
Summer reading selection by :
‘A compelling tale of moral degradation and occasional heroism’
‘Mr Philps who for years reported from Moscow conveys Nadya Ulanovskaya’s story in stirring detail’
'A sizzling read full of bitchiness and high jinks'
‘A spectacular book’
'A riveting trip through the labyrinthine corridors of Soviet disinformation, which taught the present regime all it knows'
'Shines a light on the men and women caught up in Stalin's propaganda machine and their attempts to tell the truth in a forieign land'
'Authoritative history of the terrible ramifications of the silence about Stalin’s lies'
‘A fabulous book, packed with untold stories, written with the lyrical empathy of an author who knows and feels his subject deeply’
'Gives a superb flavour of the compromises, betrayals and self-delusions required to report on the USSR'